AGM Return of the Committee

Minutes of the AGM 03/11/2019

13.00 Meeting opened, Skype in DC , MT,  AJ, JB accepts Apologies from those not present,

Executive retire from positions  and nominations called.

Nominations for President called from quorum, Iris Bom nominated by JB, seconded DC, passed unaminously

Nominations for Secretary called from quorum, JB nominated by DC, seconded IB, passed unaminously

Nominations for Treasurer called from the floor, DC nominated by JB, seconded IB  passed unaminously

Thanks to all concerned , meeting adjourned 13.15 Sunday 03/11/2019.

We try to reach out to the sea  country’s mind

With a vessel like this, quite hard to find,

So let us remind ourselves of this Kodak moment,

When reefs were not in  trouble, not resembling the  rubble,

Back to back bleaching, two  serious summer heat bubbles

So let us consider a future with warming consider resilience consider this warning.

Ecosystem restoration or ecosystem collapse. Reset the reset button to rewind the trend.

Published by


Marine Scientist and Scuba Instructor Marine Educator Reef Ecosystems and bespoke Coral Restoration Installation Curator Shipwreck Artefact Collection Museum Ship Captain/Manager